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January 08, 2021

5 Fitness Moves to Target Your Triceps

Through our #LSpaceFitnessFridays series, we've grown to appreciate the healing power of movement. Yes, these are stressful times - so don't forget that a little exercise can go a long way in improving not just your body, but your mental state as well! A fun fusion class you might like? The strengthening, lengthening, and toning Pilates/HIIT sessions taught by Albina of @bodybybina. If you missed our recent IG Live with Albina you can check it out here

Ready for more at-home workout inspiration? Read on for Bina's 5 fitness moves that will target your triceps, with tips on proper form and modifications if you need them! 


Hey L*SPACE fam, Albina here! Arm workouts are my least fave, but they are so important to incorporate into your fitness routine. Here are some exercises to add to your workout to target the triceps. The best part is that you don't need any fancy equipment to get this upper body burn!

Albina Katsman tricep workout routine

1. Chatarunga/ Plank Hold: Start strong in a straight arm plank position, pushing down through the palms of the hands and the balls of the feet. It's super important to keep the hips tucked to keep the lower back supported. Hold the Plank for 15 seconds and then bend at the elbows to hover the chest and face off the mat. Hold the Chatarunga for 15 seconds. Repeat 3x total! Your triceps will feel the burn right away.

*Modify by keeping the knees down on the mat in a modified plank position. 

Albina Katsman tricep workout routine

2. Kneeling Tricep Kickbacks: Let's move on! Set this move up by coming up to your knees and hinging your chest toward the thighs. Keeping your back flat (but not arched!) and chin slightly away from the chest, look just an inch forward and in front. The elbows will extend the arms behind you and then stop at 90 degrees! The kickback is great because it concentrates on the triceps and also works on the lats and back! Do this exercise SLOWLY for 60 seconds. 

*If this hurts your knees, do this move from a high squat position.

Albina Katsman tricep workout routine

3. Push- Away Pushups: Back to our palms we go! You will begin this exercise with your chest on your mat (or floor or towel - whatever you have). Palms will be in line with the chest and you will push yourself up into a plank and then bend at the elbows to release into a pushup. Once the pushup is complete, lift your palms and chest up to release your hands and chest from the ground - releasing the wrists. Do this exercise at your pace for 60 seconds. 

*Modify by keeping the knees down in a modified plank position.

Albina Katsman tricep workout routine

4. One Armed- Side Body Pushup: You're almost done! Pick whichever side of the body you desire and lean onto it! Stack your knees and hips on top of each other without arching the back. Bring one palm down and the other around your chest for support. Do as many pushups as you can for 30 seconds. Repeat on the second side!

Albina Katsman tricep workout routine

5. Tricep Dips: Okay last move - let's finish this! Find yourself in a reverse tabletop position. Hips reach up, knees stack directly over the heels and chin stays away from the chest - but not too far - you don't want the neck to arch. Once the tabletop is set up, start bending at the elbows. Go slow for 30 seconds and then pulse for 15. Repeat this once more and your arms will thank you tomorrow!


You can follow Albina on Instagram here, and check out her site here

Plus, shop Albina's workout top here. And read up on more ways to wear your bikini top off the beach here

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